Very often when you need a tripod … you’ve not carried it with you and you need to shoot hands free.
To improve the stability of the camera and avoid blurred pictures some trick can be useful. First of all search for a stable horizontal support to rest your elbows and make stable the camera (walls, tables, cars are suitable for this). Pay attention to the stability of support and make sure that does not move, if necessary add something heavy on the table (ex your backpack). To avoid vibrations use a remote shutter (if available) or the automatic shutter release of the camera.
If you are unable to find an horizontal support alternatively try a vertical one (walls, poles, trees) to support your back.
To improve the stability take the machine with both hands, arms and elbows must adhere to the trunk, take your legs wide apart, breathe and when it’s time take to shoot do not hold your breath but exhale slowly and press the button. While you hold breath the muscles are under tension, during exhalation they will be more relaxed and you will not vibrate.
To be prepared in case of emergeny I strongly suggest to put in your bag some accessories that can be very really useful:
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